Desex Your Pets

by benergic

de-sexing-4blogAs a nation that believes in animal rights and responsible pet ownership we need to reduce the number of animals being bred. If less animals were being irresponsibly bred then in turn this would reduce the number of unwanted, mistreated, stray and abandoned animals.

I am a strong believer in getting your pets desexed. I feel that there really isn’t any need to keep an entire (undesexed) dog or cat unless you are a registered breeder. I believe that all pets should be desexed before they become sexually mature enough to breed, so by 3-6 months of age.

Many people think that having a litter of puppies or kittens is fun and they are so cute or possibly a way to make some extra money. In my opinion these are not good enough reasons to bring these innocent fur babies into the world. Some people even think that owning a dog or cat and then breeding them is their “right”. Owning an animal is not a “right” it is a responsibility! Dogs and cats are living breathing creatures that require and deserve to be cared for.

The RSPCA says that some dog breeds can have up to 144 puppies in 5 years. That is a lot of dogs to be homed and cared for responsibly. Peta states that one female dog and her puppies if left entire can result in the birth of 67,000 puppies and one female cat and her kittens if left entire can result in 370,000 cats. Having entire dogs and cats and risking the chance of that number of animals being brought into this world is irresponsible. Desexing is the only way to stop the overpopulation of dogs and cats and reduce the number of unwanted, mistreated, stray and abandoned animals.

Over the years I have heard many excuses/reasons as to why you shouldn’t desex your pets. I have been told things such as desexing stunts their growth, changes their temperament, causes obesity or they make better pets once they have had a litter. These are not proven facts, just myths and may happen whether or not your pet is desexed.

However, there are a number of proven facts for why you should desex your pet including;
* Cheaper council registration fees.
* Reduces the desire for pets to wander and roam looking for a mate.
* Can reduce dominance aggression.
* Reduces the risk of some cancers.
* Makes animals easier to train.
* Reduces undesirable behaviour such as urine spraying.
* Prevents unwanted pregnancies and litters.

The desexing procedure itself is generally a routine day procedure where you will drop your pet of to the veterinary clinic in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon. It does involve a general anaesthetic and as with any surgery there are some risks, however they are very minimal. Most pets just need to be kept quiet for a few days to a week or two post surgery and will then be able to return to a normal lifestyle.

The RSPCA is currently running a campaign called “Operation Wanted” in Queensland to encourage people to get their pets desexed. This fantastic initiative aims to increase the number of pets being desexed and therefore reduce the number of unwanted litters being born. As part of the campaign a number of veterinary clinics across Queensland have teamed up with the RSPCA and are offering a 20% discount on desexing procedures until the 31st of August 2015. There are also a number of prizes to be won through the RSPCA, including one of two Harley Davidson motor cycles. For further information on “Operation Wanted” or to search for participating vets click here.

Please be a responsible pet owner and get your dog/s and cat/s desexed.

Until next time,