Dog Breed-Beagle

by benergic

Could this be India’s favourite hound? Beagles are loved all over the world for their charming personality and cheerful temperament. This curious hound is closely remembered for its cartoon, Snoopy. Beagles are best known for their voices – yup, not one, but many and their attractive brown eyes that would make you want to fall in love with them every day! 


Beagles were originally bred to hunt rabbits and other small game. In the middle ages, the Renaissance, where they were used by hunters to hunt small game like rabbits, squirrels, and grouse. The word “Beagle, comes from the French word ‘be’geule’ for the type of sound that they make when they’ve located prey. The best-known characteristic of the Beagle is its loud, very, very loud bark/howl that is emitted in more tunes than one. How many different sounds does your Beagle make?

About the Breed


As puppies, age-appropriate, high-quality food should do. This, along with calcium and multivitamin supplementation, can curb certain health problems like arthritis and cataracts later on. In addition, since Beagles are prone to gain weight quickly, it is important to feed them in accordance with physical activity. And as much as we’re tempted to shower them with treats and table scraps, they must be used only as a reward during training and contribute to no more than 10% of their daily dietary intake.


Beagles shed twice a year – winter and spring, which is when they need a trip to a professional groomer without which, beagle hair will be everywhere! To keep the moderate all-year shedding in control, Beagles need daily brushing and a bi-weekly deshedding. Besides this, they require monthly nail trims (weekly, if you live in an apartment), weekly ear cleans and teeth brushing. 


Beagles who aren’t exercised gain weight faster than you’d expect, and that leads to several health complications that can cost them their lives. Beagles require a minimum of two and a half hours of aerobic exercise in the form of running, brisk walking, agility, flyball, cycling, swimming etc. They need to be exercised enough to get their heart pumping and muscles moving. In addition, Beagles benefit from mental stimulation to keep them from being destructive because of boredom. 


Although stubborn, Beagles can be taught right and wrong with a little bit of patience, perseverance, positive reinforcement, and treats! When it comes to training a Beagle, consistency is key. Besides, they do well when training is made fun with exciting games or challenging puzzles.


Beagles aren’t the healthiest of breeds and suffer from many health complications – most of which stem from being obese. As they age, Beagles can experience hip and elbow dysplasia, hypothyroidism, cataracts, deafness, kidney disease, heart disease, epilepsy, floating kneecaps, and gingivitis. Regular check-ups, sufficient exercise, and nutritious diets can help prevent the occurrence of such health complications.


Beagles are even-tempered, mild-mannered hounds who pride themselves in being one the perfect pooches! They do well in any kind of family as long as there’s a whole lotta love and a whole lot to eat!

Is the Beagle suitable for my lifestyle?

Beagles do well in hot weather as long as they have constant access to fresh, clean water.
They are good apartment dogs if exercised
Beagles are sociable and friendly – a perfect fit if you have guests and family over often
They enjoy the company of children and adults alike
Beagles are low-maintenance

Why might this not be the perfect breed for me?

They’re very loud – when a Beagle is onto something, everyone must hear about it!
Beagles fancy digging and chewing when not mentally stimulated enough
They are stubborn when it comes to learning new things or rules of the house
They tend to gain weight quickly 
They need to be exercised a lot despite their small size
Beagles suffer from many health complications

Beagles are fun, fun, and more fun! They are happy-go-lucky dogs who are looking to find a friend in everyone – animal or human. 
