Choose the right bed for your dog

by benergic

Many dogs  once they become adults  (especially smaller ones) choose to  lie down on the sofa  or armchairs because it is comfortable.But perhaps you can offer your newly welcomed puppy  a bed where he will feel safe and well.

For a puppy, preferably choose a  plastic lined  bed with a cushion  ; as long as it is away from dust, it will be easier to clean. Since a puppy also has a tendency to scratch his teeth on anything within his reach,  plastic will hold up better to him  than fabric or wicker.

The day  your little furball arrives at home , show him the room in which you have set up his bed, having previously checked that it can stay there safely .His  bed should be comfortable,  and care should be taken to keep it  clean and dry.  

The basket must be placed in a  quiet place , away from drafts and too frequent passage.If you have children, they should learn to respect the dog’s corner and not disturb him when he is resting.  Once the sleeping place is established, avoid changing it because dogs like stability and routine.

Size and Form

A small dog or short-haired dog is often  cautious  and likes to curl into a ball. The  bed  should not be too big, so that it can curl up inside. He may  feel lost  in a basket that is too large. Choose a basket  with high edges , in which your dog will feel safe.

If, on the contrary, it is a dog who is used to lying down at full length, choose a  large enough basket, wide open , or even a dog mattress, without edges. 

It will obviously tend to be  lined with  hair  regularly vacuum the inside of the basket   and  shake the blankets .  As  it  inevitably gets dirty, the fabrics that fill the bedding must be  washable .  
