Will cats not eat if they can’t smell?

by benergic

Unlike the pet owner, the colour of the food does not matter to the pet ! On the other hand, the size, shape, texture and taste of the kibbles are still important criteria when the animal indicates preferences.

When it eats a wet product, the cat also chooses according to the viscosity or the more or less “sticky” nature of the food. Palatability is a global concept for the dog or the cat.

Smell is a sense that naturally decreases in acuity over time. In older animals, the loss of smell is sometimes such that they end up not eating enough if their appetite is not stimulated a little by offering them different products . 

Even if we usually advise against giving in to an animal’s dietary whims, common sense must prevail here: the cat must eat to maintain its weight and stay in good health .If it is necessary to alternate several types of food so that he continues to be interested in his plate, do not hesitate. Likewise, be aware that reheating canned food enhances odours . Food served directly after being taken out of the refrigerator should be avoided!

A canned food must be consumed quickly . Even kept cold, it degrades very quickly. The kibbles, on the other hand, can be kept for several weeks once the bag has been opened. However, it is advisable to choose a packaging that allows the bag to be finished in three to four weeks maximum , to preserve the aromas.

The aromas are added to the coating of the food to be perceived by the fine nose of the dog or cat: they are therefore volatile and the food risks losing its palatability if the air circulates on contact with it. Close the bag as tightly as possible after use or better.
